Free Fun

All You Can Grab Runner

Think you got what it takes? Strap on your running shoes and see how many free fireworks you can grab in 60 seconds. Each day people are winning thousands of dollars worth of fireworks playing this game.

2019 All You Can Grab Raffle Drawing Times

July 2nd - 7:00pm

July 3rd - 7:00pm

July 4th - 11:00am and 2:00pm

All you have to do is sign up for the contest at Fireworks KC and if your name is picked out of the raffle, you will have your chance to be the All You Can Grab winner.  You must be present to participate.

Bash-em Up Cars

You think fireworks are the only way to make a loud noise? How about slapping on some safety goggles and swinging the sledge hammer at an old junker?

Kids Zone

Our kids zone is made up of inflatables, kiddie rides, and high energy activities sure to bring a smiles to the whole family.

Skipper, FireworksKC Kiddee Train is our latest Free Family Fun attraction.


Our latest family-fun attraction is Skipper the Kiddee Train.

Have the kids enjoy a fun train ride around the FireworksKC property.